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May 16, 2022 — Adams Head is one of the taller peaks in the southern Sevier Plateau. Surprisingly, a well-maintained trail leads the entire way to the summit, complete with a sign. Reaching the trailhead is doable by any vehicle with at least some clearance due to some small ruts in the approach drive. Chris and I met up for a week of Utah adventuring and Adams Head served as a nice start to the trip.
We parked just south of the trailhead in a pull-off and began to hike through the old burn area that seems to be regularly cleared. The trail ascends to the northern ridge of Adams Head, where some cool hoodoo formations to the north and nice overlooks to the west almost immediately come into view. The trail then follows the ridge crest to the summit. Along the way the views improve and the hoodoos along the side of the mountain slopes become more dramatic. We passed a junction with the Hunt Trail a half mile or so from the summit, but this trail seemed a bit more overgrown than the Adams Head Trail and while we initially planned to take it to explore the area to the south, we were deterred by the high potential for deadfall.
The summit of Adams Head had excellent views to the surrounding landscape and was a nice perch for getting the vibe of these mountains. We returned the way we came.
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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!