Nov 02, 2017 — This is a particularly contrived route to an overlook of Angel Peak, a futile attempt to summit. There is very little online about summiting Angel Peak, but I was pointed to the base of the peak when I did my meager research. However, a ridge to the south looked far more interesting as an approach to Angel Peak, so I parked at the north end of the Angel Peak Scenic Area Campground and followed the ridge, passing a balanced rock called "The Sentinel", until the ridge landed me in the wash below. I found a reasonable way up to the next ridge, and route-found a dumb way up to the ridge leading to the base of Angel Peak (see map). The route from the wash brought me north to the base of a skinny rock butte (the left of the two obvious ones). A sandy slope brought me up to the rock, where I kept to the left (west) of the first rock butte, heading around its south side and then back east on animal trails to the pass between that butte and the second one. I crossed the pass to continue to the south side of the second butte and headed east until I gained a skinny, crumbly Class 3 ridge and then the route was straightforward again. Once I got to the end of the ridge (the overlook), there was no continuing. Angel Peak has sheer cliffs around its perimeter and upon further research, it doesn't appear a summit is doable via hiking. So, really, this route brings you through no man's land (actually, land of county roads leading to natural gas mining structures), along a small Class 3 ridge, and to a really nice overlook of the peak. It's a fun route, and the route finding made for a great morning warm-up, but not exactly a classic.
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