Jan 03, 2019 — Starting from a small day use parking lot at the end of the Big Cove Campground, follow a wide trail that leads to a fork - left goes up the Bird Mountain Trail, right is where you come back from later, on the Lookout Tower Trail. The Bird Mountain trail leads up a bunch of switchbacks to a junction with the Cumberland Trail, which you take east. I had fog most of the day, but the ridgeline of the Cumberland Trail was pretty regardless. You pass Castle Rock, which is kind of just a sandstone cliff, summit something labeled "Bird Mountain", but there's a taller peak just west of this marked peak, which I assume is the true Bird Mountain? Weird. Anyway, take a quick detour up to bag the taller peak of Bird Mountain if you want before continuing along the Cumerland Trail on an old dirt road to a junction with the Tower Lookout Trail. Follow this trail back down to the trailhead.
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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!