Mar 16, 2018 — This loop ends with two interesting high points within the Superstition Mountains, Palomino Mountain (and the lovely Aylor's Arch near the summit), and Black Top Mesa. Starting from the First Water Trailhead, follow the First Water Trail until Black Top Mesa comes into view. Palomino Mountain won't be obvious because it's similarly colored and hides in front of the mesa. It will come into view eventually, and you'll see a canyon just west of the mountain. Head into this jagged canyon and locate a cairn just after the narrow section of the canyon. An easy to follow trail leads steepy to a lookout point of the Weaver's Needle, between the southernmost rock fin and the middle fin of Palomino Mountain. It's an easy scramble to get to the top of the middle fin, where you get the nicest view of Aylor's Arch, but the true summit is on the northernmost fin, so just do some easy route finding to safely scramble on Class 2 rock to gain the summit ridge, which is narrow and super pretty.
After summiting Palomino Mountain, head back to the First Water Trail, hit the Boulder Trail, and then head onto the Bull Pass Trail, which leads to a saddle just below Black Top Mesa. A social trail continues southeast to the summit of this peak, with ridiculously beautiful views of the northern Superstition Mountains, including Battleship Mountain. The summit of Black Top Mesa also has a completely unobstructed view of the Weaver's Needle, and you can trace most of the Peralta and Terrapin Loop Trail from here. Head back the way you came and pick up the Black Mesa Trail to make this hike a loop.
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