Feb 10, 2019 — I realized on this trip to the Superstition Mountains that bagging peaks and exploring canyons in the area can be tedious, painful work due to the desert plants, so I stuck with the extensive trail system of the area. Initially, I wanted to explore Trap Canyon and Music Mountain on this loop, but Trap Canyon ended up being completely overgrown and didn't feel worth the effort. Instead, I did this loop completely on trails (!!) and it was a relaxing change of pace.
Starting from the Peralta Trailhead, head along the Bluff Spring Trail (#235), which features a really nice canyon with slickrock, to the Dutchman's Trail (#104), which spends a lot of time in wide open desert and colorful buttes in the background. Take a right onto the Red Tanks Trail, and then follow the Whiskey Spring Trail back to the Dutchman's Trail, where you'll get great views of the Miner's Needle before trekking through mostly flat and colorful desert scenery back to the trailhead.
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