Aug 11, 2017 — This popular loop in Canyonlands National Park's Needles District has a great amount of variety. The Squaw Canyon Trail leads through pleasant meadowy terrain to the junction with the Peekaboo Trail. I did the loop clockwise, taking Peekaboo Trail first. This is an interesting section of slickrock navigation using cairns on less-clear sections. A ladder aids in descending the rimrock and to the canyon below. The Peekaboo Trail meets with the Lost Canyon Trail on the right. This may be a little difficult to follow at times when washed out, but you can't get too lost. Lost Canyon becomes pretty lush and the contrast of vegetation against the gorgeous sandstone is really nice. The Lost Canyon Trail leads out of its drainage and back up to the slickrock above, where it then leads back to the Squaw Canyon Trail. This trail completes the loop and leads back to the trailhead.
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