Oct 31, 2017 — There is one stream crossing which may be a little scary for 2WD vehicles well before the trailhead that could be a bummer, but the road itself was in good condition.
Mt. Tukuhnikivatz is a fun hike with incredible views, especially once you get to the saddle with Mt. Peale. It's a pretty straightforward route to the summit, and then the ridgeline from Mt. Tukuhnikivatz to Mt. Peale is obvious, but includes one section of Class 3. It's short, and feels out of place compared to the rest of the rolling summit hills, but it's there and it's fun, despite the loose rock. In order to make this route a loop, from just below the summit of Mt. Peale, I took a poorly cairned route down a scree/talus field that was too steep to be fun. On the way down, I caused a rock slide, so be careful. There are trees below that break the boulder field monotony, and then some bushwhacking will take you back to the dirt road you started on.
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