Nov 07, 2017 — Osha Peak seems to normally be approched from the east, but I was more interested in checking out Trigo Spring and the cool-looking walls of Trigo Canyon rather than using that more direct approach. While this hike has overall seen quite a lot of burn damage, I still thought it was worth the effort. I started from the Trigo Trailhead and headed along the trail, which paralleled a lightly flowing creek for a couple of miles. The canyon had some nice rock outcrops on either side, but overall nothing spectacular just yet. It was simply a nice walk through Trigo Canyon until I reached a narrow section where the canyon walls nestle in some coniferous trees and a comfy cave. I took a slight detour to check out Trigo Spring, and then continued along the Trigo Canyon Trail. The comfy canyon atmosphere would end shortly because past the cave and spring the trail gets progressively more difficult to follow. The trail wraps around a rock outcrop, gains some elevation, and emerges above the canyon above Trigo Springs. From here the trail continues north through unharmed forest, but soon it becomes clear the area is suffering from the aftermath of a forest firest. The last few hundred feet to fain the ridgeline above was in pretty rough shape and I had to backtrack a couple of times to try to keep to the thorny and overgrown trail. It wasn't too bad, though expect a few thorns in your skin. Once on the ridgeline, aI picked up the Manzano Crest Trail and followed it up switchbacks to just below the summit of Osha Peak. As short bushwhack led to the summit. Osha Peak has some nice views of the Manzana Mountains and beyond.
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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!