Apr 21, 2018 — The La Luz Trail is a long and popular hike full of switchbacks to keep the hike moderate as it leads to the high point of the Sandia Mountains. Most people just choose to drive the scenic road to the summit, but that's no fun. The La Luz Trail takes you from nearly the base of the Sandia Mountains, wandering back and forth for what seems like forever as it leads through typical New Mexico scrub and cacti. You can see Albuquerque clearly for much of the ascent. After a few miles we approached a bunch of beautiful pinnacles that are far more impressive up-close than they appear from the city.
The La Luz Trail heads up a major gully, avoiding all obstacles due to its incredibly good construction. Rather than require boulder-hopping, the trail switchbacks through the forest which gives great views toward the pinnacles within the gully/canyon, as well as a nice view of the Sandia Crest above. The trail reaches the top of the gully and then heads north at a junction. A trail sign points south to follow the La Luz Trail, but we didn't want to go that way since it doesn't lead to the summit. Ignore the misleading sign and instead take the Crest House Spur Trail, which follows the base of some cliffs and up some stairs and to the summit.
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