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Apr 08, 2021 — After getting my COVID-19 vaccine and unexpectedly feeling like garbage, I wanted a lighter hike and this fit the bill. While not the most exciting, I wanted to check out one of the bigger peaks in Beaver Dam National Conservation Area, Scrub Bunchmark. A road leads to the summit, so in order to not just make this a drive-up, I included a loop to Tahoari Peak, a smaller peak along the ridge to the south. Sedans could make it to the start of the service road here (37.01599, -113.81701), but the road has a couple of bad spots, and then only 4WD can make it up this very steep incline here (37.03750, -113.81612). Having to hike this adds 400 vertical to the hike.
I parked at a gate. You can drive around this gate, but it felt like a good spot to start the loop. I started by hiking up the road to the summit of Scrub Benchmark. Two ATVs and a service car passed me, so I can't say it's exactly a remote experience. I continued west along the ridge and descended on the grassy slope to the south all the way to Tahoari Peak. Aside from some light rockiness, it was easy terrain. From Tahoari Peak, I dropped to the east into a drainage below and ascended a couple hundred feet back to the gate where my car was.
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