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November 2024 update: I highly recommend considering approaching South Maria Peak using its southeast ridge and a much less annoying gully. See more here as part of a much longer loop outing.
Apr 12, 2020 — A lesser-visited peak than the Big Maria Mountains High Point, South Maria Peak has some really nice views and a remote feel. Turn off Midland Road at 33.76232, -114.69358 and follow this dirt road passable by mid-clearance vehicles to the trailhead. The cliffs on the south side of South Maria look treacherous, and this route avoids them by taking a gully on its southwest side.
From my parking spot, I dropped into a wash along an old mining road heading east. I reached the major wash that drains from South Maria Peak, where I turned left to follow it. At first the wash was sandy and had minimal rocks, but as it curved north and began ascending, it turned into a Class 2 bouldery drainage. This drainage leads toward South Maria's west ridge. The last few hundred feet were tedious and not fun, the slope aggressively loose and steep. I can't say I know the best option for ascending this last bit, but some sections looked less awful than others, and both my ascent and descent route were fine. Once on the ridge, I headed to the right to reach the peak. A short Class 2 section added some charm to the summit ridge. The summit views, especially toward the Big Maria Mountains High Point, were really nice.
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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!