Sep 21, 2016 — Starting from Granite Flat, this hike heads up to the Wasatch 11er, Box Elder Peak. This Box Elder Peak shoud not be confused with the less-interesting Box Elder Peak farther north. The loop takes two scenic trails that are well-maintained, Box Elder Trail and Deer Creek Trail. I started up the Box Elder Trail first (southern bit of the loop), which led up to the base of Box Elder's southern ridge. I left the trail to avoid doing an extra mile (the trail wrapped around the southern side of Box Elder and cured back up), opting instead to gain Box Elder's southern ridgeline via a steep slope. A social trail led along the ridge to the summit, then continued north along the ridge with great views of White Baldy and the rest of the Bullion Divide, to the junction with the Deer Creek Trail on the right. This trail was really pretty with great views toward Box Elder Peak on the way down. It crosses a pretty talus field as well as the typical rolling greenery of the Wasatch.
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