May 03, 2019 — Yoshi and I started from a pullout on Boynton Pass Road and headed along the Lizard Head Trail for a short time before continuing east on a social trail along Capitol Butte's west ridge. A well-defined social trail led us the entire way, with only a few spots where some thought was required. Starting up, the social trail hugs the northern cliffs of Captiol Butte's western-stretch false summit. We encountered a Class 3 move along the way, but it's mostly just a trail. After emerging along the false summit ridge, we had a clear view of Capitol Butte ahead. We descended to the saddle separating the false summit from the true summit, and then th social trail started getting more steep and rocky from here. There were a few Class 3 sections as we weaved our way up the south side of Capitol Butte, but none of these moves are particularly tricky. A couple of spots are a little loose and may cause some people to use more caution. Eventually the scrambling gave way to easy walking along the social trail that's carved a way through the brushy summit. The views are nice, and they gave us a lot of perspective for other objectives in the area.
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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!