Google Maps marked Onyx Bridge incorrectly (as of January 2016). It's off by a solid quarter mile, and although they do point you to a fallen tree, the actual Onyx Bridge is much more interesting.
Jan 13, 2016 — Petrified Forest National Park is located within Arizona's Painted Desert, whose stunning overlooks of colorful hills make you want to explore the backcountry trails where countless fragments of petrified wood, dry washes, and color banded sand hills were otherworldly.
From the Painted Desert Inn (no, it's just a preserved historic inn and you can't sleep there) head down to the desert floor on a well-beaten trail. Hike directly north through the badlands. It doesn't matter if you don't follow any specific route since no trail exists. After some hiking, you'll reach Lithodendron Wash, a wide drainage that you can't mistake for anything else. Follow it east until it curves north. Head left into a narrow wash, easy to miss if you're not paying attention, as Lithodendron Wash curves away and to the east. This wash is really tempting to explore regardless of the destination. Once within the smaller wash, keep right and you'll begin to ascend a tiny bit before reaching Onyx Bridge at the top of the hills.
Continue southwest for a quarter mile to head over to Angel's Garden, an area highly concentrated with chopped up full trees. After finishing Angel's Garden, keep going south for about a quarter mile and check out Gregory's Stump.
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