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Apr 06, 2022 — Magruder Mountain is a surprisingly nice summit with expansive views from its bald summit ridge. I parked at a pull-off at Lida Summit, a pass along NV-266. This pass separates Magruder Mountain from Palmetto Mountain to the north and I felt it would work well as a nice starting point.
I started along an ATV road from the pass, which led east for a couple hundred feet before a lesser-traveled ATV road popped in and led south. This road is in poor shape and I don't even know if it's legal to drive it. It continues for a quarter mile or so along the wide lump of a ridgeline extending from Lida Summit and eventually ends at the base of a steep slope on the northwest side of Magruder Mountain. Here I headed up the steep terrain for 500 or so vertical feet, an occasional animal trail helping slightly. While quite an angle, there wasn't much brush to contend with, making it just a good quad-killer for a short time. At the top of this slope was a short section of more mellow terrain before the slope got steep again for another couple hundred feet. Toward the top of this second slope the trees faded out and introduced a lightly rocky slope with a cairned social trail leading through a negligible talus field. Short-lived, I was now hiking along the wide open country of the west ridge of Magruder Mountain.
I was surprised to find a well-traveled trail that led me east. It wrapped around a couple of small humps along the way and brought me to just west of the summit. Here I headed up the lightly brushy west slope of the summit hump and continued on more easy terrain to the high point. The views were really incredible to the south into Death Valley.
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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!