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Apr 27, 2020 — I parked at a wilderness boundary sign along a dirt road that is likley suitable for all but the least capable 2WD and started toward the wide, grassy, mellow slope ahead. The morning light was nice, but I was a little concerned for snakes in the high grasses and spent a fair amount of time looking down instead of at the interesting incline. Eventually the slope led into a forested section, where it wasn't so much of a bushwhack as it was just tree-dodging. An animal trail led me though the worst of it, but really it wasn't bad even without the animal trail. There are many possible options to the high point through the forest, so I included what I thought was the best on my map. There were a couple of slightly annoying minor drainages as I headed southwest to the summit, but I was able to follow the path of least resistence through the trees for the most part. I came upon the last couple hundred feet to the summit, where massive boulders blocked easy access up. You may be able to keep the route at Class 2 somehow, but both my ascent and descent required pulling at least one Class 3 move. The summit had really nice views of the surrounding Big Rocks Wilderness.
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