Mar 08, 2018 — While super pretty and definitely less frequently visited than Organ Needle, Organ Peak doesn't have the fun scramble you can find on the Needle. I originally expected this to be mostly a bushwhack, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a pretty much completely clear social trail from start to finish of this hike.
From the popular Fillmore Canyon Trail, look for a trail that juts out on the right just before you get to the canyon mouth, about a mile into the hike. Follow this social trail through the super pretty Organ Mountains meadow-looking landscape as it pretty moderately takes you uphill to The Narrows, a very short but interesting section of towering rock walls. After the Narrows, the trail follows Fillmore Canyon for a bit and then there seem to be cairns all over the place. Ultimately, after observing from higher up, I'm very happy with the route I took. I added a cairn to make this route clearer on my way back for good measure. Anyway, follow the ridge (pretty esy to follow) steeply to the saddle between Organ Peak and some little unnamed sub-peak with an odd observatory-looking remnant at the summit. It was too tempting not to go check out, and after getting back, research shows it's an abandoned military observatory for Fort Bliss, or something. Continue along the obvious ridgeline, with a couple of sections of easy Class 2, to the Organ Peak summit. You get absurd views of the Organ Needle and Baldy Peak.
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