Apr 11, 2021 — Slideanide Canyon is one of the canyons in the popular Poison Spring area. It's short and fun, with some really pretty features, and doesn't require any rappels. Some may want to bring a rope. Reaching the trailhead is possible by any vehicle. We started north along a social trail and continued toward the head of Slideanide Canyon. Entering directly from the south would require a rappel, but we brought no ropes and decided to instead enter via a Class 3 slab on the east side. Once within the canyon, a bunch of fun down climbs, chimney maneuvers, and elevators comprised the first half. Past this was an open section with a gorgeous water-stained wall, followed by a darkening and deep set of slides and colorful walls as the canyon narrows significantly. Some may want to rappel parts of this section, but none of us had any difficulties. I would say if the first half of the canyon was reasonable for you, this section should be as well. A squeeze under a big boulder leads to a final drop. I should note that the last 20 feet had a hand line during our visit, and while we didn't need it, some parties may want a backup. The last down climb enters a big chamber.
Once out of Slideanide Canyon, continue north down the watercourse. We passed three side-canyons on the right as well as a small lush section with some trees. Past the third side-canyon is a ramp on the left. This was our exit. Easy slabs led to a Class 3 move aided by a small stack of rocks. A Class 3 move was also required to get off the slope and reach the rim, a slightly more difficult move. A social trail led back to the trailhead.
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