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Oct 15, 2020 — The Signal Peak Trail is a popular and nicely maintained hike up to a lookout towert. Signal Peak isn't the high point, however. That designation goes to Black Peak which is a few miles farther along the ridge. You can drive up to basically the base of Signal Peak if you want to skip the hike, but that's not my jam. From the trailhead, I followed the Signal Peak Trail through the forest, the views not getting pretty until about a half mile before the summit. Once on Signal Peak, I took in the views from the lookout tower and then headed down on the dirt access road for a few hundred feet. The hike continued onto the Continental Divide Trail, which more or less followed the ridge crest to just below Black Peak. Aside from a couple of nice viewpoints, this section of trail is unremarkable. There is a pretty obviously social trail leading to Black Peak, just off the CDT. The views weren't great from the summit, and there was a human-made contraption up there.
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