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Aug 09, 2020 — The Crag Crest Loop is a popular hike on Grand Mesa. It's pretty, but in a different way than other Colorado hikes I've been doing due to the volcanic basalt that covers the area, and its relatively lower elevation. I started from the official trailhead through forest and meadows going clockwise, quickly reaching the ridgeline. There are a ton of lakes in all directions. After a mile or so along the ridgeline, the narrow volcanic feature that makes the trail famous came into view. The trail continues along the entirety of the pretty ridge before descending again down into the forest below. The southern portion of the trail winds through forests over hilly terrain, passing an alternate trailhead for the loop. In 2018, large portions of this area were harvested for timber, so there are swaths of land that are riddled with downed trees. The trail is still pretty, but what a bummer. I'd say it's worth doing the whole loop rather than just going along the Crag Crest as an out-and-back.
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