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Jul 05, 2021 — A nice trail leads a but under two miles to the mouth of Fletcher Canyon. It's well-marked and fairly popular. As the canyon begins to narrow, it's a little difficult to follow the official trail which stays mostly to the south side of the canyon. Some seem to choose to head through the watercourse rather than stick to the trail, which means other social trails have materialized. Either way there's no bushwhacking to worry about. Fletcher Canyon continues to narrow and becomes more pretty as it progresses, the limestone walls colorful and the foliage within the canyon more lush than expected. The trail ends at a junction within the canyon.
While I didn't include it on my attached map, you can pull a Class 3 move within the right fork of the junction past the end of the trail and explore farther into the canyon. My first visit was April of 2015 and I left some photos at the end of my trip report from the upper portions of the canyon, if you choose to check it out.
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