May 30, 2018 — The Grove Creek and Battle Creek Loop is a nice loop outside of Pleasant Grove, Utah. I decided to do the loop clockwise, which seems to be pretty standard since the trailhead begins at the mouth of Grove Creek Canyon. I started up the Grove Creek Trail, which starts by paralleling Grove Creek before making one big switchback, bringing me up higher on the north slope of the canyon rather than withinin the canyon itself. The trail must have been a massive construction project, requiring some serious work to carve it into the cliff face. Eventually the trail meets back up with Grove Creek and its pretty cascading waterfalls before crossing the creek and ascending into the meadows below Mount Timpanogos. I really enjoyed the views toward Timp and Big Baldy. The trail follows a grassy section between Grove Creek and Battle Creek as it heads generally southeast before starting down Battle Creek. Unlike Grove Creek Trail, the Battle Creek Trail parallels the creek for its duration. Battle Creek Canyon seems to be more popular than Grove Creek likely due to the presence of Battle Creek Falls. The trail has lots of little waterfalls and pretty rocky cliffs. Once exiting the mouth of Battle Creek Canyon, I headed through Kiwanis Park and then followed any number of haphazardly placed dirt roads to get back to my car.
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