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Jun 13, 2022 — On my way back home I wanted to hike Humphreys Peak since I haven't done so in many years, but a wildfire broke out north of Flagstaff so recently that there weren't even any indicators yet that the trailhead was closed. I didn't take any chances and instead went to nearby Mormon Mountain, a peak with a trail to nearly its summit. I thought it also might be a nice viewing point to see the fire, so that was the microscopic silver lining. Reaching the trailhead shouldn't be a problem for any vehicle, though the last half mile is a tiny bit rocky.
The Mormon Mountain Trail is well-signed and easy to follow for its duration. Initially it passed a campground before ascending toward the southern lumps of the peak. Along the way I got hints of views to the south and toward nearby Mormon Lake. Most of the hike was just a forested trail, but there was one nice meadow toward the end. Just past this meadow the trail ended at a well-graded dirt road (driveable for those who want to get to the summit without hiking), which I followed on foot to some radio towers. A short jaunt to the north led through the forest off-trail and past the towers to the high point. Just past the high point is a nice view toward Humphreys Peak, the best view of the hike by far. I could see the burning slopes surrounding the state's high point, including large flames to accompany the massive plumes of smoke.
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