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Sep 08, 2019 — All information I read about getting to the trailhead for North Tent Mountain and South Tent Mountain was outdated - the road (Skyline Drive) was recently graded and was a mostly pleasant ascent from the south, and an equally easy descent to the north. There were only a few ruts that would give some lower clearance vehicles difficulty.
From the trailhead, which is just a pull-off along Skyline Drive, I located the remains of an old forest road, which meandered up the west slope of North Tent Mountain. The true peak was slightly to the north, so I headed over before continuing southeast along the ridge to South Tent Mountain. Although there are a few sections where there's a faint social trail, losing the trail should be expected, but getting to South Tent Mountain is easy-going overall. From the summit of South Tent Mountain, I opted to bushwhack down its west face (Class 2), avoiding steep sections and bushes, reflected by the weird zig-zagging on my attached map. There's no one correct way down. The base of the descent left me in a lightly marshy area, which I continued through to get to a forest road. I followed this forest road west and back to my car. I would almost recommend just going back over North Tent Mountain: it's a nice ridge and avoids the bushwhacking. I just like making things into loops, even when it's overkill.
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