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Oct 23, 2021 — Mount Perkins is the high point of the Black Mountains, and despite the incredible diversity in scrambles, views, and interesting desert scenery of the Black Mountains at large, this is a straightforward and pretty boring hike. That being said, it's remote and of course worthy of a visit for the expansive look down at the Colorado River below and the other desert peaks in the area. To reach the trailhead, leave AZ-93 here (35.6705855, -114.4598691) and follow the Eldorado Powerline Road west until this junction (35.664837, -114.491869), where you should keep left and continue southwest and then south. From here the road is easy to follow and most vehicles better than a sedan could probably make it without issue. The last half mile or so does get steeper, but not enough that 2WD couldn't handle it. I parked at the end of the road at some sort of fenced-in tower.
The road continues for a couple hundred feet headed east, but it's bad and I just walked it since the road ends shortly after. A social trail then leads the rest of the way along the northwest ridgeline to the summit of Mount Perkins. The only obstacles along the way are a couple of rock outcroppings that the trail wraps around on their right (west) side. The trail sometimes leaves the ridge crest, but only for a short time. Below the summit is a final headwall that seems a little daunting from below, but the trail leads around it on its north (left) side, and up to the summit area. Spirit Mountain can be seen in the distance, along with Mount Tipton and others.
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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!